Mosaic Collective’s Board
Dr. Liz Rios/Advisor
Dr. Rios has a number of passions but one thing is certain, she has always been an advocate for the local church and a supporter of the people who lead in it. Since April 2008, Dr. Liz has served as Consulting Editor for Outreach Magazine, a national magazine for church leaders, pastors and planters. Dr. Rios serves as a board member of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition which is a national network of Hispanic evangelical congregations, leaders, and not-for-profits committed to Gospel-centered transformation in the work of justice and mercy. In addition, she is a senior consultant Freedom Road, LLC which coaches, consults, trains and designs experiences to help groups in multiple sectors do justice in just ways. Dr. Rios also serves on the Send Institute's Missiologists Council which is a think tank for evangelism and church planting. The council is composed of thought-leaders and practitioners committed to expand evangelism and church planting in North America. One recent product of the council's work was the Church Planting Manifesto. Dr. Rios is also an Adjunct Instructor at Fuller Theological Seminary.
Daniel Sadlier
Daniel is husband to Amanda and father to six children: Liam, Elijah, Markeysha, Isaiah, Lucy, and Judah.
Currently Daniel is the founding pastor of Mosaic Church NYC, a multicultural family of churches in NYC and its metro region. In addition, he chairs the board of The Mosaic Collective; a new network of like minded churches in global cities in the United States, while also serving as the executive director of The Mosaic Community Center. The Mosaic Community Center is currently known for its work in New York City, primarily in West Queens. Daniel is passionate about community development on a local and global level, adoption and foster care, multi-faith work, and the development of young leaders for future leadership in the public square.
Andrew Morrell
After giving his life to the Lord in 2006 and returning to school in 2008, Morrell sensed that God was calling and leading him to plant a church where his heart has been, in Marion, Indiana. Since then, he has planted REAL (relational, evangelical, authentic, loving) Community Covenant Church in the heart of Marion. Andrew has focused on holistic community development, and has continued to care for and coach urban church planters and pastors across the region
David Swanson
David is the founding pastor of New Community Covenant Church, a multiracial congregation on the South Side of Chicago. He is also the CEO of New Community Outreach and previously served as a Director of Church Planting for the Evangelical Covenant Church. David and Maggie have been married for 22 years and have two sons.
David’s book, Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Discipleship, is available from InterVarsity Press.
Maurice Cox
Maurice is a Teaching Pastor at Ascent Community Church in Louisville, Colorado. He and his wife, Aisha, moved from Los Angeles to Colorado in 2016 following their passion and God's call as ministers. Maurice deeply senses the urge of God to be a bridge-builder across cultural backgrounds and create spaces where people pursue the multi-ethnic reconciliation that we see in scripture.
Jason Charles
Jason was born and raised in Calgary, but don’t hold that against him. He is proud to call BC home! He has a wide range of educational background including a Masters of Divinity, but if you ask him, he never expected to end up a pastor. He had the privilege of serving and leading youth and young adults ministries at Calgary Life Church over the course of ten years. It was there he felt his passion for people and the local church flourish. In the summer of 2017, he along with an incredible team moved from Calgary to start City Collective. Jason and Adrianna were married in the winter of 2019 and are proud parents to their little girl, Mia. Adrianna is from the lower mainland, an accountant and passionate about all things City Collective and reality TV.
They are known for their big smiles, love for people, and passion to see people discover a relationship with Jesus.
Michaell Dupin
Michaell (and her husband Clint) have been serving alongside each other in the local church for 20+ years. After spending the last fifteen years being a part of two incredible churches in Michigan, it’s been a privilege to move back to Northern California - one of the most innovative and influential areas of the world to plant Eastown Church.
Michaell has spent years communicating a deep belief that God has an incredible, adventure-filled story not only for each of our individual lives and the lives of our families, but also for the impact we can make on our world both locally and globally when we come together.